The Problems Are Back

On my last blog I was going on and on about how everything was so perfect and wonderful................well...................I wonder why I say such things as I am just jinxing things. Yes things have unraveled with a few problems that have to be resolved.

The first problem is a man living in the park that is causing a lot of trouble. He is thirty nine but acts like he is nine. His mother deposited him in here and left. He has no car or or any way of getting around. Unfortunately he is a alcoholic and may be on some kind of drug as well. Before we got here he had been hauled in by the police for lewd behavior and the office has a long list of complaints.

Most of what we have dealt with has been his playing very loud music when he gets stoned. Pete told him that it is against the park rules and that he cannot do that. Pete said to get ear phones and he did but he does not use them instead he puts them on the poor adopted dog he has,,and thinks it is funny. He has mouthed off to Pete many times and the whole matter seems to have gotten worse with the thing he pulled yesterday. Practically naked and with his music screaming he danced around coming up to two women who were talking and threatening them. Pete called the gentlemen who run this park and they came over after calling the police. Little dancer boy would not answer the door. So proceedings have been started to kick him out which includes calling the mother who really should come and get him and take care of him or have him put into some kind of program. It is not right or fair that people have to put up with his nonsense and that we have to more or less babysit him. This is truly unthinkable.

The other problem is about the gentleman who is supposed to be teaching Pete how to run this park. Not going to say too much yet about it but we feel as if he is trying to get rid of Pete. A few of the more minor things that he does is constantly tell Pete how old and stupid he is when the guy is almost Pete's age himself. Another problem is that he keeps telling Pete that God is telling him what to say to Pete and that it is up to Pete to obey him. Welllllllllllllll RED FLAG ALERT

The above are two of the more minor problems and the other problems are more of a serious nature. Pete is going to go over and talk to another board member who runs this place. I will let you know tomorrow how this problem is proceeding and what the results are.


  1. Well things have been solved.....the young man will be leaving on the 8th of February.....until then I am sure he will be causing as many problems that he can...the other problem has been solved as well by Pete telling the guy off...he had too and than man apologised and has cooled...but I think he will try again to subdue Pete as I think he is jealous of him.


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