Just How We came to Such a State as This Without Really Trying

Kristina Mikkelson Casanova Dec.13,2017 

Part two We made it to Arco Idaho where we had a place to stay so we thought...but it seems as if there is always little gremlins in the way. The gremlin was the gentleman who was going to let us stay on his 8 acres Mr. Honeypot..I will call him. As soon as he opened the gate to let us in we knew that we would not be staying as we had a very bad feeling about him. 

 Right away he let us know that his dogs were cat killers and not to let them out. I never let them out so that was not problem..but it did bother me that he did not tell us before hand of such a thing. He advertised his place as a free camp spot for a day or the summer but I think he had only wanted certain kinds of people and we were not it. 

 He kept wandering around our trailer and peering into the windows and was just creepy. When he said that he had a doctors appointment the next day we decided to make our escape at that time. But he got back before we could do it. He said the doctor told him that he had beubonic plaque...oh yeah right.... we knew he was lying but we went along with it and said that we needed to go so that we would not catch it. Lol 

 So we moved out and down the alley that his gate opened onto and was stopped by one of the neighbors. She said that she was glad that we had left as this Mr. Honey was well......not exactly a nice guy...the rest I will leave to your imagination. She also told us of another spot so off we went. we traveled 28 miles to the town of Mackay.

 I loved the town of Mackay ..all set up for RVs and trailers and such. They had a place right in town where you could stay for a day..get fresh water and dump your your black water. From there we traveled up into the mountains about ten miles to a place they called Mackay Dam Wow what a beautiful place on BLM land..with very tall mountains and a river....but the weather was a little nippy in fact it snowed the first night so we woke up shivering from the cold. Yet as we looked outside at all the wildlife a moose stood near us munching out on a bush. 

We enjoyed our stay at that place but our two week time limit at that place expired and we had to move to another camp site a few miles down from where we were. It was not as beautiful or nice but it was a place to camp for two weeks. 

Only the first night we were camped and not feeling good anyway I started to hemorrhage and lost so much blood that I died. Yes I said died. No heart beat,no pulse no breathing in fact was in a death seizure. Pete was able to resuscitate me and get me to the hospital in Arco. 

The Arco hospital was small and could not give me the treatment that I needed. So they put me into an ambulance to take me to Idaho Falls about a hundred miles away.(I think) Anyway I told Pete to go home and get some sleep and come in on the next day. He went home and slept awhile then drove the trailer into Idaho Falls and was able to park it into a special lot for such things. In the mean time they were giving me a lot of blood and doing tests like sticking tubes down my throat. But by the next day was doing better and really doing better when Pete walked into the room. Still I thought I was going to die as I felt so horrible. 

My friend and my adopted sister Sherry Lynn called me to cheer me up . But then I got a call from my sister Laura to tell me that my brother Mikkel was dead. I cannot describe in words what I felt. Nothing I could do as I was too sick to go to a funeral. Nothing I could say it was a nightmare. 

When I got out of the hospital I was depressed and so weak...I could hardly move and Pete made me stay in bed and cooked all meals during that time. I wanted so bad to get up and cook and do the normal things but could not. I then got pneumonia and anemia from the blood transfusion and had to deal with that. 

Our time was up in this new park and we moved back up to Mackay Dam ...and they let us stay for a month because of my condition and that we had no money. We were down to eating oatmeal three times a day. But the month came to an end and we had to move again. 

 So we spent another month moving between the various areas and parks that we could park but we over stayed and needed to look for other campgrounds. 

So we took off headed for Idaho Falls and a campground near to that city. Part 3 is coming with more weird and unexciting stuff. 

Love you all


  1. good story ...you met a lot of problems along the way

    1. I am only telling a small amount of what went on and going to write an ebook about the whole event...strange stuff still going on but it has been all goof..hugs my friend

  2. Hi Kristina, I know about people living in their RVs having to move from campground to campground because I went on Youtube some time ago and was watching about people who choose to live off the grid. They shared experiences about camp locations where you can stay for certain periods, and how they moved from one to the other, and then back again, making a yearly circuit. They said some require small payments for the length of time, some like $20 I think.


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