Just How We came to Such a State as This Without Really Trying......Part Six

  Kristina Mikkelson Casanova       Dec 18,2017 

We left Carey and drove back to Arco ..which was our very first destination and drove until we came to the rest stop as it was getting dark. Now this rest stop is in the middle of Idaho Lab area which I talked about earlier in Part One and well we were sure that we were on someones camera. The area is a 850 square mile underground lab. A very spooky place and felt very ill at ease being there .but..well you know we took what we could get when it was a free camping area. Despite the freaky feeling of being there .nothing much happened but the next morning we noticed a car (the only other vehicle besides ours) in the parking lot ..suddenly take off ...drove quickly across the highway and then disappeared into a dirt brim. We suspected that it was a lab spy. Heard horror stories of the lab police but at least they did not bother us.

We set off south west for Twin Falls thinking we might stay a night or two in that city perhaps at Walmart or some other store. Have to say I did not like the look of the town as we drove in. As far as Walmart did not like the look of it either. Never saw armed guards standing at a Walmart store before but here they were. We decided that Twin Falls had some crime problems and decided to move on.

Not too long after that we crossed over into Nevada. I remember that I was a little scared of entering Idaho in the first place but now I was reluctant to leave.

We traveled through Nevada a very short way and found a rest stop...this one was spectacular. It was laid out so that semi-trucks could not enter and surrounded by a rock canyon,a river and swamp land. It was beautiful. Also for the first time since starting this journey I could walk about without getting attacked by Buffalo flies. Not even mosquitoes I felt free at last lol.

After a quiet night we started off again for the great unknown of Nevada....lots of mountain passes to climb and past some strange scenery that could have been on mars or the moon. We came to another rest stop and decided to spend the night even though it was early afternoon.

Across the highway from this rest stop was an deserted motel and being that Pete and I were the curious type had to go and look of course with my camera.

Kind of creepy the place was..I am sure it had ghosts. In the back was a rusted out 1940 truck and I am a big fan of rust and old stuff so I started taking pix of the vehicle. At about that time a van pulled up and a gentleman asked if he could take pix of the motel and the old truck. We told him it was not our building and felt sure that there would not be a problem, Him and his girlfriend were from Scotland and had flown across to drive their dirt bike in the Utah race. He said he loved it here and wanted to come back in a year and drive around western United States.

That evening a two semi trucks pulled in beside us and idled..and idled and idled and idled. They had no intention of stopping so we moved across the highway and parked in back of the deserted motel. We got out and walked about as the sun set in the west. It was all very beautiful and quiet. Until we heard this scream of a bird sitting up in the tree. Pete grabbed our chihuahua as hawks and other birds of prey want to make her a meal. What we saw was a very different bird...a condor... wow are they scary looking birds. After awhile he flew away looking for a meal somewhere else.

After a quiet night we started on our way and finished crossing the rest of Nevada and now what lay before us was Utah...and now I was dreading entering back into this state, We would have to spend two months here as Idaho was now too chilly and Arizona where we were headed was way too warm. Not sure what places we were going to find to camp out in in the middle but these things have a way of working themselves out.


  1. Great story! I've been following and waiting for the next part. :-)))

  2. Interesting places and the development of the story...take care of them birds :))

    1. lots of birds what I did not say was the wild turkeys that kept running through our camp..lol

  3. You are not having much luck in this stage of your journey. Great read so can't wait for the neext piece. Well written......well done....x

    1. this to me did not seem woth writing about till i started and pete says it was for sure a wild ride


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