Just How We came to Such a State as This Without Really Trying......Part Eight

 Kristina Mikkelson Casanova       Dec 20,2018

Within a few hours we were in Sanpete county..the place we had lived for a few years and had considered it home. Mt. Pleasant had been a nice place to live but because of the Russian nap weed we could not stay and after being in this area for just a short time I was already breaking out. We had planned on staying in a near by camp ground thinking it was far enough away from this weed but distance was not the problem for it was in the air and they all landed in my face.

Pete said that we would have to go and after putting some unneeded things in storage and taking some other things out (like a few of my paintings) we bought some items at the health food store .restocked our fridge and cupboards,stopped by a few friends who were not home, we left and headed for the town of Salina where our friends James and Amanda were living.

Driving down to the Salina area we found the countryside looking stranger and stranger....miles of barren mountains,bluffs and land. They could have filmed a moon landing here and it would be believable but I suggest they shoot a Mars landing here...no one will know the difference.

The town of Salina was charming and liked it immediately but our camping destination was a few miles out of town on Salina creek. It was a very nice and well kept campground trees and grass but like most of the places in Utah, cattle were allowed to munch their way through where you were camping. Other then that it was a very nice set up and had a very large camp area to ourselves. A few other trailers took up the other spots so I think we were lucky to have gotten one.

But it too like so many other places was the set up area for quad groups and yes I said quad groups.  In this case we were in the middle of some big quad festival encompassing the town of Salina as well as Richfield some miles away.  Dear Lord it seems as if we can never get away from those things..they are everywhere like ants at a picnic.  Noisy things and never with mufflers...what is this world coming to lololo.

Anyway we set up camp and got our place cleaned and organized which we do before and after each move..and decided to enjoy ourselves.  So we unhitched the truck and took off down the many dirt roads to see what we could see.

We found mountain passes that led into beautiful tree filled canyons and tunnels cut into the mountains for the roads and deserted log cabins and well on and on went our explorations.

One day when we were out we saw this most extraordinary rainbow after a gentle rain. It actually touched ground on both ends of it unlike the partial ones we usually saw. Then as we looked up saw another rainbow above it and it was touching the ground as well. another rainbow . I swear I wanted to find the end and collect the treasure of gold that is promised...but my luck someone would beat me to it. Lolololol

We visited James and Amanda at their new residence in Salina (remember in part one I told you that they were our neighbors and would miss them when we left Mt. Pleasant but they had moved in the mean time).Their neighbor and friend had set up a barbecue and I brought cake and potato salad to the feast.  It was so good to see our friends again and their cats and dogs. Like a family reunion.

Those two weeks went by quicker then usual and it was time to go....this time heading for southern Utah round the St. George area...I loved this part of Utah ...red rock canyons ,Zions park...breath taking views.  I had once attended college in St. George going to Dixie college and graduating with an associates degree in Speech and theater (going to BYU in Provo after that).  But I had always missed this area and was very excited about returning.

Love you all and thanks for reading my blog


  1. Oh you two ......you make me laugh.....such a plucky couple.....not easy what you have done so far for sure. You are both very strong underneath it all. I truly admire you both. I actually think that your story would make a great little film......this couple travelling all over USA and the stories you tell are so different in in each stage of your journey......I love your writing so never get down about the way you write. Not only can you write but you also are an artist.......I follow you all the way....x


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