Over the Rainbow

Well things are moving along here....Pete and a few others are working on a garden,and Noel brought over the materials yesterday to build a new office for Pete and the old one will always be open to the tenants to get their mail, get into the freezer and wash and dry their clothes. This will be better as Pete will not be interrupted as much. This whole area really is a very strange place and I am still getting used to it. Feel so much a part of it even now. Kind people seem to be drawn to it just as we were. There is not a great deal of beauty here...but even these strange plants seem to grow on you ...lol....even though they are full of stickers. One of the most unusual things that I have had to get used to is having border Patrol all over the place. Hundreds of vehicles parked in their fenced in area.....they also go out in helicopters and planes and horses....I guess on the lookout for illegals. I have to say that in many ways I feel quite safe here and the border patrol are always friendly. (We are 28 miles from Mexican border) I do miss the big mountains such as are in Utah and Idaho.....the mountains here are small and rocky and not easy to be up in as they are covered in sticker plants of every kind. I also miss farm animals and beautiful farms and the like. Not so much here although I have heard of a cattle ranch down the highway so may have to take a drive down in order to see them. Cannot imagine what they eat as there is no grass growing anywhere. One of the tenants here a lovely woman from Scotland likes this place so much that her and her hubby put in a offer on the property next to this RV park. They want to start a bed and breakfast. She agreed with us that this place is like magic down here..what you want seems to happen. Other people have said the same thing ...I feel lucky to live here


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