Two Days in One


Sat over in the office with Pete as he is there most of the day and met some very interesting people. Seems like some of the cream of the crop of,artists,singers,and everything in between. They all seem to like it here and most do not want to leave but have to. One older gentleman who has been coming here for years said it has never seen so full and said that he thought Pete and I were the perfect people for it. This really surprises me because we were not that well liked up in Utah. Pete and I are still scratching our heads over this one.

Noel and his gang came over this morning to work on Pete's new office but the wind was so bad that they did not dare start so guess will have to try again tomorrow..but the winds here can get pretty blasting...but so did Utah and Idaho.

Finally found a friend who looks to snoop and nose things out. Awwwwwwww right up my alley we should have a good time this summer..snooping around and see what we can find. A partner in crime so it is what fun is all about.


We have had some large rigs pull into this place but today was the topper...45 feet long with pullouts. That would seem like a mansion after living in our 32 foot trailer with no pullout. I would feel like a queen lol but we have what we have and must be thankful for that...still...a girl can

Below I posted three sets of pix in being some of our friends over in coyote Howls East..another is our trailer .scenery and happy hour over here at Coyote Howls West and still another of our rock garden yard in Coyote Howls East...we are trying to combine both places and it is a little difficult but think it can happen.

The crew working on Pete's office could not do it yesterday as it was way too windy. But they were back today sawing and hammering out the handsome office. Pete helped with some of the work but still lots more to do.

Full moon tonight and blue moon and I bet we hear more coyote howls then usual..was that way last month....they are just dogs after all.

Anyway enjoy the pix and will see you tomorrow.

 Our Yard at Coyote Howls East 

Good Friends at Coyote Howls East

Where We Live Now and Making New Friends


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