
changing places

It is difficult to grow  a garden or anything in this vast dry desert but Pete and Charles and  wife Jean managed to plant one and are now growing a small organic garden...determined I would say but now to keep the wild burro's,pigs,rabbits and chipmunks out will be anot her story .

Dutch Oven cooking

Pete and I have for sometime (but not lately) done a lot of Dutch Oven cooking and I figured that it is about time to start it up again. Nothing tastes better than food cooked over hot coals or a campfire cooking in cast iron pots. Right now they are sitting over in Coyote Howls east but will be lugging them over heer soon enough. Food cooks very fast and hot in these pans.once cooking a whole turkey in one less than an hour and the turkey was so well cooked it fell apart being so tender. the best turkey we ever ate. A favorite dessert of mine in the past was to open a can of pie apples or peaches.and pour it in.....then mix a yellow cake mix with butter and throw it over the fruit and let it bake. Cannot give you a times as each cooking is different. Now however I make my own pie apples or peaches and toss in my own mix. Now serve this with a big scoop of icecream and you will think that all of your dreams have come true. I once wanted to make a business of going

Pyramid in Senoran Desert

Looks like a pyramid in Egypt it is actually a home and a person lives in it.  It could well be that he is a mummy lol.  This sits right across the highway from us.   Wonder if it has magical powers as I could use some magic these days. lol


I am now moving the blog over to WordPress. I liked the Google blog page but it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. A lot of people tried to post comments and it was not allowing them to do so.

Two Days in One

Jan.29..2018 Sat over in the office with Pete as he is there most of the day and met some very interesting people. Seems like some of the cream of the crop of,artists, singers,and everything in between. They all seem to like it here and most do not want to leave but have to. One older gentleman who has been coming here for years said it has never seen so full and said that he thought Pete and I were the perfect people for it. This really surprises me because we were not that well liked up in Utah. Pete and I are still scratching our heads over this one. Noel and his gang came over this morning to work on Pete's new office but the wind was so bad that they did not dare start so guess will have to try again tomorrow ..but the winds here can get pretty blasting...but so did Utah and Idaho. Finally found a friend who looks to snoop and nose things out. Awwwwwwww right up my alley we should have a good time this summer..snooping around and see wha

East Meets West

A couple from England pulled back in for the night as they were here yesterday...high IQ ,,,she has gone around the whole world taking pix of the borders of countries. We live 28 miles from the Mexican border so why they are here. Very interesting I have to say and will be leaving you this link to her page is worthwhile to go and look. Another gentleman from Scotland sang around of songs last night at the happy hour campfire with an absolutely beautiful voice....was an enjoyable evening of singing. I usually sit in the trailer at this time as I am so allergic to smoke and well I am a tea toddler so I am one of those people sitting on the outside looking in. But love hearing everyone talking and laughing. Hoping to get my box of unfinished cloth dolls out and finish them, Have wanted to finish them for a very long time and think now is a good time. I love hand sewing and these will also make good gifts at some time in the future.

Life Goes On

Noel and his crew have been working on Pete's new office and looks as if the outside will be finished today....that will be so very nice. It will be air conditioned and not so active as the campers will be using the the rec room. Pix below I have been cleaning and plan on making a cake this afternoon. I know all this has been boring the last few days but we are still getting used to doing what we are doing. I need an adventure and hope to go out with Pete in the near future say perhaps on Sunday and go exploring the desert side...we really have not seen much of the area and think it would be fun. or anything I can think of doing. I am a crazy nut about it and it is a good thing that Pete is as well...and will be taking my camera in case of anything unusual like maybe wild burros or wild pigs. We will soon be getting our golf cart and once we get new tires and batteries for it and mount a solar panel on top..we will be off on the back roads to see what we can