
Showing posts from January, 2018

Two Days in One

Jan.29..2018 Sat over in the office with Pete as he is there most of the day and met some very interesting people. Seems like some of the cream of the crop of,artists, singers,and everything in between. They all seem to like it here and most do not want to leave but have to. One older gentleman who has been coming here for years said it has never seen so full and said that he thought Pete and I were the perfect people for it. This really surprises me because we were not that well liked up in Utah. Pete and I are still scratching our heads over this one. Noel and his gang came over this morning to work on Pete's new office but the wind was so bad that they did not dare start so guess will have to try again tomorrow ..but the winds here can get pretty blasting...but so did Utah and Idaho. Finally found a friend who looks to snoop and nose things out. Awwwwwwww right up my alley we should have a good time this summer..snooping around and see wha

East Meets West

A couple from England pulled back in for the night as they were here yesterday...high IQ ,,,she has gone around the whole world taking pix of the borders of countries. We live 28 miles from the Mexican border so why they are here. Very interesting I have to say and will be leaving you this link to her page is worthwhile to go and look. Another gentleman from Scotland sang around of songs last night at the happy hour campfire with an absolutely beautiful voice....was an enjoyable evening of singing. I usually sit in the trailer at this time as I am so allergic to smoke and well I am a tea toddler so I am one of those people sitting on the outside looking in. But love hearing everyone talking and laughing. Hoping to get my box of unfinished cloth dolls out and finish them, Have wanted to finish them for a very long time and think now is a good time. I love hand sewing and these will also make good gifts at some time in the future.

Life Goes On

Noel and his crew have been working on Pete's new office and looks as if the outside will be finished today....that will be so very nice. It will be air conditioned and not so active as the campers will be using the the rec room. Pix below I have been cleaning and plan on making a cake this afternoon. I know all this has been boring the last few days but we are still getting used to doing what we are doing. I need an adventure and hope to go out with Pete in the near future say perhaps on Sunday and go exploring the desert side...we really have not seen much of the area and think it would be fun. or anything I can think of doing. I am a crazy nut about it and it is a good thing that Pete is as well...and will be taking my camera in case of anything unusual like maybe wild burros or wild pigs. We will soon be getting our golf cart and once we get new tires and batteries for it and mount a solar panel on top..we will be off on the back roads to see what we can

everything is running smoothly

Pete was sad this morning to see his Canadian friend take off and move out as they got on so well and became fast friends. But he has to go back to work and so back to the cold and snow of Canada. He was not happy about going either but at least he got a little reprieve from the icy winter. They are going to stay in touch. I on the other hand have been cleaning house and baking a cake and well you know all that housewife stuff...goes with the job..but I love doing it and admittedly am proud of being a housewife. I guess I am of the old school and besides that it is exactly what I wanted to do. Going over to the other Coyote Howls to visit a few people and see if our yard is still so miss the place...not so quiet here and miss just being alone. Pete has also been working on the community garden as others have and everyone is mulching food stuff for the garden. Would be so nice if there was an organic restaurant here or perhaps someone

Over the Rainbow

Well things are moving along here....Pete and a few others are working on a garden,and Noel brought over the materials yesterday to build a new office for Pete and the old one will always be open to the tenants to get their mail, get into the freezer and wash and dry their clothes. This will be better as Pete will not be interrupted as much. This whole area really is a very strange place and I am still getting used to it. Feel so much a part of it even now. Kind people seem to be drawn to it just as we were. There is not a great deal of beauty here...but even these strange plants seem to grow on you though they are full of stickers. One of the most unusual things that I have had to get used to is having border Patrol all over the place. Hundreds of vehicles parked in their fenced in area.....they also go out in helicopters and planes and horses....I guess on the lookout for illegals. I have to say that in many ways I feel quite safe here and the border patrol

The Problems Are Back

On my last blog I was going on and on about how everything was so perfect and wonderful................well...................I wonder why I say such things as I am just jinxing things. Yes things have unraveled with a few problems that have to be resolved. The first problem is a man living in the park that is causing a lot of trouble. He is thirty nine but acts like he is nine. His mother deposited him in here and left. He has no car or or any way of getting around. Unfortunately he is a alcoholic and may be on some kind of drug as well. Before we got here he had been hauled in by the police for lewd behavior and the office has a long list of complaints. Most of what we have dealt with has been his playing very loud music when he gets stoned. Pete told him that it is against the park rules and that he cannot do that. Pete said to get ear phones and he did but he does not use them instead he puts them on the poor adopted dog he has,,and thinks it is funny. He has mouthed off to P

I Call This Home

Strange day ...was woke up this morning at 4 AM by a member of this RV park whose wife was having a heart attack. Asked Pete to direct the ambulance to his trailer. So Pete was out the door and offered to drive the man to the hospital but he declined even though his car would not start. The alternator was bad. So Pete and a gentleman from Canada went into Ajo and got a new one and put it in. I have never seen such kind people in my life.This place is truly amazing and I feel so blessed to live here. Later this morning a friend came over and is selling us her gulf cart for an amazing price. I could not believe my ears. Still later another gentleman in the park is letting pete download a program that will put this park out to people clear across the it is everyone keeps coming up to him and thanking him for all that he is doing. (The last manager was fired I guess was pretty awful)..but Pete has had to turn people away as this place is filled to the brim...which from what I ha

Business As Usual

Sat.Jan.21 Have come across a problem here in coyote Howls West and that is with a forty year old drug addict. I thought he was in his early thirties..but was wrong...his parents left him here and then took off letting the park manager to deal with him. We called the higher ups of this place and they want him to leave as he is causing some problems with the other tenants and will probably get worse...big sigh.....hate when these things happen...he needs help but it really cannot be from us....his parents need to get him help....and move him out of here as we are not babysitters. The weather cooled way down today....from high seventies and into the high fifties....and tonight will be in the forties....this is our cold spell lolol...always had them in Utah but the highs never made it above zero so even though this is a bit cooler (actually feels good) is still warmer then the rest of the country. Late this afternoon four huge Rvs wanted to find space in here

Movin' Along

Well starting to pull things together and getting used to my new surroundings...not easy but doing it. On the other hand Pete is really shining ...helping everyone and today putting in a community garden. Everyone loves him..he is that bright shiny penny needed around here. Was looking at some of my pix when we were up in Idaho. Have to say that I really miss that place..breath taking beautiful. Afraid I cannot say that same thing for here...but it does have it merits. Warm weather in the winter time but of course blazing hot weather in the summer getting up to 118 degrees. We are prepared though with our trusty swamp cooler. I do need to get some shade cloth at the store so I need to leave a note for myself.. Pete has been working out in what they are now calling the community garden. He is a nut case when it comes to growing food...although small right now I have a feeling that it will expand. Pete is already looking at property for sale in this area. OUR

Struggling with the Pricks (on the plants that is)

A very warm day here today...I believe over 80 degrees...whew.......I do wish that it were a little cooler...may have to start using our air conditioner. I really thought that when we moved here that it would be boring but to tell you the truth.. it never is...whether we see animals like coyote and fox...or a caravan of Volkswagen,,or like today....stage coaches going down the highway pulled by the most gorgeous mules. Never boring////that includes all the people pulling in and out of this park with their RVs and trailers. So many people to meet (a lady from Scotland today).... We have discovered an old dirt road that will take you into Ajo which is ten miles away....that is the way I like to explore...the byways and not the highways....can discover some great STUFF and Pete and I have spent whole days just snooping around areas. I love finding old bottles like I did the other day. Have found dishes and pans as well as old metal toys and consider those real f

Learning Curve

Has been a tough day ….learning to be a a RV host takes some many people asking questions as the come in and out of this RV park. Still I think it is worth the doing and know it will get easier as time goes on. Forgive me for these short blogs but I am exhausted. Just wanted you to know how it is all going. Love You All

We Are In

Was just too tired to blog yesterday and I am very sorry for that but went to bed early and slept the sleep of the exhausted. Lol After Pete disconnected everything two of our neighbors Maurice and Al came over and helped Pete back it out. That was very good as we were in a tight little area and really needed the help. Afterwords they drove over with us in their quad and helped back it into place. They helped Pete level it and connect all that needed to be connected. Later Al returned and brought to me a free standing awning and a carpet to lay under. What a sweet heart Al has been and in many ways a life saver. Today Pete has been putting in a community clothes line and we also went back over to the Coyote Howls to pick up a porch that a neighbor gave to us...things are looking up. Also found a friend in crafts and art next door who will be staying the summer so will have something to do besides being on the internet . Lol The one thing I do like about he

day before the move

All those last minute things to do...seems to be hundreds of them..laundry....,putting breakables in safe places...laundry......all between the well wishers   Mostly they say they will miss Tilly our is a lovable little thing....Pete has  been pulling out the rocks that holds this trailer up...and disconnecting all that he needs to disconnect except for our solar panels....will have to do that right before we move out. I do dread moving but just cannot be helped...we need the money..and have decided  to only work at it a year...By that time we will have a tiny nest egg to use as we deem necessary …....and should have everything set up for us moving back.  In the mean time we will keep  on building our works of rock art  and were  told that this was  one of the reasons we got the host job Tomorrow we will be moving over....dread...dread...but it has to be done.  Wish us good luck on it.


I always hated this part of getting ready to move every two much to do to keep everything from falling and breaking all over the floor. It has been over three months since the last move and I find myself trying to remember what I did with all the bungee cords. Have to use these all over this travel trailer to keep the cupboards closed. and from things on shelves and counters jumping off and committing suicide on the floor. This thing as all Rvs and travel trailers ride rough believe me. It was so very hard on our two cats Mimzy and Molly as we we traveled. We would always find them huddled under the bed together and they do not even like each other. Shows you the trauma they sustained on these trips. Well poor kitties have to do it once again but at least it is just across the highway and will last maybe a half hour. Today and tomorrow I will be stuffing items into safe spaces,cleaning,cleaning, cleaning, hauling junk out, hauling stuff to the locker,c